North Country Community College | istock by fizkes
North Country Community College | istock by fizkes
SAPA TV will be holding a public forum online and at 335 River St in Springfield tomorrow, Thursday, February 16th at 10am as a part of the renewal process for VTel's Certificate of Public Good. More information and the link to join online are below ↓The Vermont Department of Public Service invites you to join us and members of your local area media organizations to take part in a guided discussion about your public access television programming available through your VTel cable service. If you and/or your organization would like to provide feedback about your experiences and what may or may not be working for you regarding your public access programming this is your chance. In addition to SAPA TV, there will be three separate meetings in a hybrid format to allow access virtually and onsite at local access stations across Vtel coverage areas.
February 16th 10:00 AM – Hosted at The Springfield Area Public Access Television studio (SAPA-TV) – 335 River Street, Suite 1 Springfield, VT 05156. Online access available on Microsoft teams using the following information: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Meeting ID: 228 448 094 130Passcode: 4pYhHQ
Original source can be found here.